Summer Approaching

February 13, 2014 § 1 Comment

We’ve been experiencing cold climate of record-breaking proportion (relative, of course, to my part of the globe) since the start of the year.   This wonderful weather seemed to have followed us from San Francisco, where I spent my Christmas break with friends and family.  They say though that summer officially starts right after the Chinese New Year.  And true enough, a few days after the lunar calendar started, the temperature began rising.


Although a cold front has hit the country again this week, last week was particularly warm and humid.  I’ve also been spending a lot of time at work, and the heat and exhaustion averts my desire to sweat out in the kitchen.


And so my new cast iron Panini grill has come to the rescue several times last week.   I love my Panini on focaccia, but any kind of bread will come out a winner really.


A few nights ago, I layered generous slices of Milano salami (I always have those on hand), sliced brown mushrooms (sautéed in olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper), and arugula on whole wheat focaccia bread.


Then off it went to the grill, pressed into this gorgeous sandwich.  Yummy!


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§ One Response to Summer Approaching

  • I’ve been wanting to use a panini press which was given to me as a gift and now your post just reminded me how I can use it. What a delicious combo of salami, vegetables and the foccacia bread. Thanks for sharing!

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